About me
Off the top of my head, I was asked to give a one minute presentation during a rhetoric seminar at my university. A presentation responding to a question I randomly drew from a staple of cards. It read:
Where is the energy of your life today?
No need to think and just rely on the top of my head. I sensed myself shining. I perceived a smile on my face, my expression of happiness. I articulated, or well yes but not only, I embodied my response:
I feel the energy of my life through being connected to my body.
Being connected to my body allows me to access and feel my intuition, my trust, my courage, and my energy, navigating my journey of life. My body supports me in making my own (expected and surprising) decisions and I do not regret any intuitive decision I have ever made. Mutually, we master the minor and major challenges that (my) life offers to me.
This connection makes feel happy from deep within.
I enjoy sharing this energy and happiness with my fellow beings. Yet, my happiness magnifies, when I accompany other fellow beings to connect to their bodies and to discover (together with) themselves what emerges to them, as they connect to their bodies, their inherent insights, and capacity.
You are ready to discover as you are.
You, your challenges, and your wishes to receive a session are core to me in your discovery journey. I want you to experience your richness and your uniqueness: Your body, energy, and emotions, your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, your life experiences, knowledge, and capacity, your challenges and wishes.
I trust you and your embodied knowledge and capacity to master any challenges your life puts you into, to unfold your potential, and to shine in your everyday life. You hold inherent insights and capacity to treat yourself with relaxation, vitality, and happiness of life. With sensitivity and clarity. With my calm voice. With my intuitive and precise touch. With my warm heart. I dearly accompany you to touch and tap into your body, inherent insights, and capacity.
The manifoldness of my life
The well-being of all living beings on Earth and the functioning of Earth systems are core to the way I live. I am fascinated by nature and greatly enjoy to fully dive into it, be it walking or biking. Doing yoga, dancing, and moving makes me feel alive. I am passionate about sailing our O-Jolly. Bees and their (swarm) intelligence amaze me. I am curious to explore and was fortunate to gain valuable life experiences during long-term stays in Canada, Sweden, the US, and Tanzania.
I am a PhD student with the aim to explore what does nature contribute to people’s quality of life and why does nature matter to them to foster inclusive conservation. My case study is stakeholder nexus of nature-based tourism and conservation in the socio-ecological system of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Acknowledging diversity, challenging stereotyping, and critically reflecting on colonial legacies drive my research. I collaborate with more than 40 international researchers in the DFG funded project ‘The role of nature for human well-being in the Kilimanjaro social-ecological system‘ to operationalize the IPBES framework ‘connecting people and nature’ to inform inform sustainable management strategies based on value pluralism. I voluntarily work for the ambulant hospice association in Lueneburg. I gained manifold work experience at a research assistant at nexus – institute for cooperative management and interdisciplinary research in Berlin. I graduated from M.Sc. Global Sustainability Science (Leuphana University Lüneburg and Arizona State University) and B.Sc. Environmental Science and Business Psychology (Leuphana University Lüneburg). I am a certified practitioner of Pantarei Approach since November 2019 and became a certified TRE® provider in 2020.