Surrender into your self-healing forces.


Body, liberate yourself!

Your body knows how to release stress and to activate your self-healing forces - your body just needs a reminder of its inherent knowledge to do so. TRE® enables you to access and activate exactly this knowledge. TRE® stands for Tension Releasing Exercises which were developed by Dr David Berceli. These exercises allow your body to move and shake off stress that you have built up during your daily routine or/and accumulated from your past. Let go of stress induced discomfort and pain - master your life with your mind and body being vital, at peace, and light-hearted.

How do people benefit from TRE®?

Many people report that TRE® has helped them feel better, calmer, and more relaxed. Of course, each person is different, has a different life story. Your TRE® experience will be unique to you. By reducing stress and tension within the body, TRE® has additionally secondary benefits:

* Getting to know and understanding your body
* Increased energy and endurance
* Improved mood and sleep
* Greater emotional resilience
* Less worry and anxiety (surrounding serious illness)
* Release of chronic muscular tension, decrease of aches and (back) pains
* Healing of old injuries
* Discharge of buried emotional and physical trauma
* Reduced symptoms of post trauma stress disorder (PTSD)

source: Dr David Berceli

Suffering from physical symptoms, facing increased pain, or experiencing a severe and/or chronic disease, e.g. infertility or cancer, usually comes along with minor to major physical and mental stressors (or stresses). TRE® may not be able to treat the disease directly but allows the body to release the burden of the resulting, additional stress. Consequently, regularly practicing TRE® enables the body to focus its self-healing forces on its own treatment of the disease instead of investing all its healing capacity in reducing stress.

Discover: Introductory TRE® workshop (2.5 h)




Some of my clients describe their experience with their inherent knowledge to release stress and to heal as follows:

TRE® ist für mich, mich selbst zu überraschen, einen ganz anderen Zugang zum Körper zu finden. Auch nach fünf Sessions weiß ich nicht genau, wie die nächste Session sein wird, und bin jedes Mal erstaunt, wie ich mich danach fühle. Mal ist es meditativ erdend, mal wie ein herzliches, befreites und albernes Lachen. Am meisten sticht Milenas Fähigkeit heraus, auf jeden und jede bei TRE® einzugehen so wie er/sie ist, einen da abzuholen, wo man gerade im Alltag ist, aber auch in der eigenen TRE® Erfahrung und einen herzlichen, offenen Raum zu bieten, in dem man einfach sein kann.

— P.W., political scientist

Mit TRE® lerne ich meinen Körper neu kennen und dabei vor allem, dass er mit mir und nicht gegen mich ist. Danke Dir für die liebevolle, achtsame und kompetente Begleitung bei diesem Lernprozess, liebe Milena

— E.S., linguist and lecturer for German as secondary or foreign language

Dank der Erfahrungen, die ich mit TRE® erleben konnte, bin ich bereits in kurzer Zeit sehr nah an ein Thema rangekommen, welches für mich von hoher Relevanz ist. Milena vermittelt auf eine sehr angenehme, klare und ruhige Art ihre Erfahrungen aus unterschiedlichen Ansätzen, reichert sie mit schönen Geschichten und Bildern aus dem realen Leben an sowie bestärkt ihre Professionalität auch dadurch, dass sie ihre Arbeit stets mit wissenschaftlich fundierten Theorien und Studien verknüpft – ohne dabei belehrend oder überhöht zu wirken.

— K.P., alternative practitioner for psychotherapy


Experience your magnificent secrets.

Feel at home in your body.


Your body’s unique shaking movement

The way your body moves is unique to your and every body. The movement is neurogenic, i.e. it originates from your brain stem, and involuntary. You do not actively move, but your body does the movement initiated by your nervous system. You will perceive the movement, for example, through tremoring, vibrating, pulsing, or shaking in different parts of the body, in different intensities and rhythms that are unique to your body’s own regeneration mechanism. 

Why can your body shake? And do other living beings shake as well?

Every mammal can shake neurogenically. These involuntary movements are a natural regeneration mechanism that help every mammal to remain vital, recharge, and stimulate self-healing forces.

To overcome stressful, dangerous, or challenging situations, your body provides a lot of resources, e.g. adrenaline and cortisol. Sometimes, the resources are not or cannot be completely depleted. If they remain in your body over long-term without being used up, you will notice mental and physical discomfort and even (chronic) pain. Consequently, every body seeks to release surplus resources and can do so, for example by activating its neurogenic movements.

Why don’t we know about our body’s own ability to release stress and stimulate self-healing forces?

Often, we associate involuntary bodily movements with weakness and loss of control. More or less unconsciously, we suppress the longing of your body for neurogenic movements. We encourage mental and physical discomfort and pain, as we unfortunately neglect the attempts of our bodies to favor health, comfort, and vitality.

Your body seeks to activate the neurogenic movement in situ. However, if this is not possible or inappropriate, you can fortunately access the mechanism at a later time, for example when you feel comfortable and safe to shake in your TRE® session.

Want to gain more background knowledge? Visit the TRE® homepage.



How do I accompany you through your TRE® experience?

I introduce you to the theory of the neurogenic movement and will guide you through the seven exercises.

Together, we will witness your neurogenic movements with an open, curious, and friendly mind. Your comfort has highest priority to me. You can pause and stop the movement anytime. I will assure you can integrate your TRE® experience. There will be no need to push your body beyond its limits. I want to create an enjoyable experience for you. Your pleasure and safety are my pivotal goals. Also, if you like and I think it is appropriate, I can – passively or/and actively – support your process.

To complete a TRE® session, you will rest some minutes and we will briefly talk about your experience to allow you and your body to integrate your TRE® experience thoroughly. TRE® sessions take about 75 minutes.
